Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Rothenburg – Heidelberg

Today's Route

In order to justify the Schneeball purchases Jon made me go running. Can you believe it? 5 weeks on holiday and suddenly it is Jon that is insisting on the running and not me. Things are bad :( I didn't really want to go – it was raining and I just don't like running in the morning anyway – usually too hungry and too creaky. Still, I did go, of course I did – and it was great. We ran around the outside of the walls that we had walked on yesterday – about 30 minutes – including some killer hills and a bit of fartlek at the end. As always, was glad to have done it once it was over :)

We bought Schneeballs before we went back tot he van – 2 each – but saved them till later......

After drying off (it was raining remember?) we headed out of town – next stop Heidelberg. We started our journey on the famous “Romantische Strasse” - a road that runs through Bavaria taking in some of the most lovely of it's scenery and towns (apparently). The bit we went on was indeed very lovely – and we enjoyed looking at the sceneries very much (thankyou).

Nothing much else happened on the road – we tried desperately to find some internet at some of the larger towns we passed through, without any success – and then, as were at some lights in some totally random place, I struck gold – and we parked up for a cup of tea, half a Scheeball each and some blog updating! Brilliant.

And the Schneeballs? Well, they are basically evil – pastry bits, stuck together with a 'filling' (mine was (apparently) champagne truffle, Jon's marzipan) deep fried and then covered in sugar or chocolate or nuts or...........well, maybe you get the idea. Interesting. Maybe a little disappointing – not quite what we expected - but pleasant and very filling!

After about an hour and a half I finallly had the blog up to date and Jon (who had been sitting on a bench in the sunshine (I know – sunshine, we couldn't believe it either) reading his book) was still not dead from boredom – we pressed on for Heidelberg.

We got there at about 7pm and after the ritual arsing about trying to find the campsite, driving past it, going round again, etc – we were in and settled. As we had been running this morning and not showered as were in a car park rather than a campsite – getting clean was priority #1. I wish I had taken a photo of the shower set up – I meant to – but then I suppose that may have looked a bit odd! They were odd though, really, really odd. I mean – we have been all over, and these were by far the worst showers of anywhere. It wasn't the actual shower that was the problem – it was the curtains, or lack of them. I can't describe it – but lets just say, I was glad I was the only person in there!

So. We were clean, it was sunny, we were on a campsite and parked up by the river Neckar, watching the canal barges and the hot air balloon – and things were good. Dinner was good, the last of our Staropramen was good, doing 2 loads of washing and drying for €5 was great, all great. Great.

Also great is our next bit of plan – we have Helen & Andrew coming to meet us in Amsterdam next Thursday, which is great, but also we are now going to meet Jon's parents, my lovely in-laws – Helen & Tone – who will be just starting their next big campervan tour - in Maastricht next Monday night! Brilliant. It's all working out so well :)

Tomorrow – Heidelberg.


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